# Voice Translation APIs

This document contains the APIs related to the ASR, speech to text translation and text to speech translation.

# Speech to text API

POST https://voice-alpha.devnagri.dev/api/audio/speech-to-text

# Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://voice-alpha.devnagri.dev/api/audio/speech-to-text' \
--header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--form 'soundBlob=@"//Devnagri/audio/hindi.wav"' \
--form 'lang="hi-IN"'
--form 'hasFlag="1"'

# Response

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "status": "success",
        "transcript": "एक एक पाँच आठ चार एक पाँच पाँच दस",
        "transliterated_transcript": "ek ek paanch aath char ek paanch paanch das",
        "flag": 0

This API is responsible to take audio file as input and return the text.

# Request parameters

The request requires input in the form data

Key Is Required Sample value Description
soundBlob Required hindi.wav This will be the actual audio file. Supported formats are .wav and .amr-wb
lang Required hi-IN language code of the audio file.
hasFlag Optional 1 If this is set to 1, the API will check for the flagged words which is present in the response "transcript" and return with flag as 0(does not contains flagged words) and 1(contains flagged words)
# Languages codes with sample files
Language Code Sample File
English en-IN
Hindi hi-IN